| - I came here for Spring Training (GO Angels!) with my family. The stadium itself is fabulous. Great size, lots of grass area for the cheaper tickets. Just bring a blanket and sunblock, and you're good to go!
We came earlier than the game start time, so we had an opportunity to tailgate for a bit. The lot appeared to become quite crowded after some time, so I'm not sure that parking is plentiful. The staff were great, and allowed us to drink/eat in the lot. The only problem was that there are NO available restrooms/port-a-potties outside of the stadium. So unless you have an RV with you, you can't drink too much - otherwise, you're not going to have a place to take a leak.
I did see several men taking trips behind a large cargo bin at the edge of the lot, but certainly no women. My sister-in-law and I had to shmooze some of the TV crew to let us use their own special port-a-potty because there was no other option.
Aside from that ordeal, the stadium is roomy, clean, and sells plenty of food and booze. The views are beautiful, and the vibe is awesome. Looking forward to making this an annual trip!