Post Office + holidays = very daunting task. I arrived shortly after 4:30 pm, knowing fully well I was running short on time. The parking lot was a cluster .... and I had to park on the street. Typically the parking lot may not be too much of an issue but it was packed and no one has the patience to deal with parking lot messes at this time of the year. Now, I wouldn't normally write a review on the Post Office but when I noticed the 2 star status and after my experience I felt I should. They definitely had it adequately staffed and upon walking in, the first employee asked whether I was picking up or sending out and proceeded to assist me in determining whether the box I had chosen was the right box. She also provided me with the correct label for my priority overnight delivery.
I don't think there is too much to say apart from the fact they got us all helped out within a reasonable amount of time. I believe I was actually there less than a half an hour which was surprising given the size of the line. The staff was all very friendly and they were all doing an outstanding job of trying to help whoever they could as quickly as they could. I greatly appreciate USPS for the job they do and the possibility of frustrated customers. I will most likely be back to a post office at some point although a gentleman informed me that I can actually have my packages shipped directly from my home. So, that may actually be something I look into at a later time.