This is my far the worst Dunkin' Donuts I have ever been too. They did not let my husband use the restroom because they were supposedly out of order a clear out right lie, they had the bathroom key on the table with a pink charger cord and plug on the table
In middle of restaurant table they won't let you use the restroom, why because they don't want to clean the restroom that's why! Let's state the facts. I asked the girl how do use the restroom she smirked and said "we don't" well that's illegal. Customers should be able
To use the restroom. It's illegal and humane to deny the use of a bathroom not to mention their customers and their employees. My husband really needed to use the restroom and their was no nearby bathroom. They said the restrooms where closed. The employee decided to leave to talk to her coworker outside- so we grabbed the key and use the restroom, she came in and started yelling at us and told
Us we were trespassing and they were closed what? It was 7:49pm. Her boyfriend walked away and begin verbally assaulting my husband and myself. Her boyfriend got in my husband face. Hey whoever the owner is of this franchise your business is not going to succeed for very much longer you have employees and their boyfriend assaulting customers... hmmm I am calling my attorney. Wake up owner this is by far the worst Dunkin Donuts in Arizona. I will never set foot in another Dunkin' Donuts or your establishment.