I rarely write reviews so when I do, I put strong consideration into my recommendation. I have been a patient of Phoenix Skin on and off for the around 12 or 13 years. It is the best care and service I have ever received from a doctor's office. Over the years I have seen both Dr. Laris and Michael Richards and they are exceptional. I have developed a lot of faith in their judgement and I can tell they genuinely enjoy helping people. Their two offices are on the opposite side of the valley for me but I still travel over an hour to see them because I feel well cared for.
In the interest of full disclosure, I should add that in over 10 years, Dr. Laris and Mike Richards don't seem to have aged. To whereas, I seem to have aged exponentially. Probably from having two beautiful children that siphon my life force. Current estimates predict that I will look like a more weathered version of Death Wish franchise actor Charles Bronson within 18-24 months. But for some reason Dr. Laris and MIke are somehow unaffected by the normal aging process. There are two plausible explanations for this. A) They are a member of some tribe of vampire/lycanthrope hybrids that leapfrog through time and remain young, or B) They now a thing or two about healthy and attractive skin. Whether it is the former or latter, they are both great people and are outstanding medical professionals in a specialty field. I really enjoy their office and would refer any loved one to Phoenix Skin and know that they are in very capable and caring hands.