| - Worst shop I've been to. As far as piercings go.
I called Sinners and Saints inquiring about a naval piercing, the cost ($45), and if the piercer was in the shop that day (I was told he was). When I arrived there, the piercing guy wasn't even there. I overheard the employees asking each other if they've heard from him because he wasn't responding to their calls/text. I was there with a friend and when the piercer finally shows up about 10-15 mins later, he doesn't greet us, or even look at us. One of the employees came out to tell me the piercing guy was setting up in the back and gave me a form to fill out. While filling out the form, the piercer came out and asked if I wanted a barbell or a hoop, I told him a barbell. After that he looked as if he was going to say something in relation to my options, but then he just said "Ok" and went to the back. Finally, my friend and I went to the back, and the piercer had a mean look on his face, he seemed as if he just wanted to get me over with. He told me to put my belongings on a chair. While doing that, I asked if clients can choose what gauge they would like in their naval or is their a standard size and he said a 14 gauge is the only size that can go as a naval piercing. While keeping a fair distance, my friend came over to watch (no video recording was being done, as I know many people do this). The piercer pointed to my friend and said "No, you stand back there" (which was practically out of the room) then he pointed to me and said "You come over here". I felt like we were being treated like bad dogs. He lifted my shirt up, roughly cleaned my naval area, told me to sit on the edge of the chair and lean back. While still having no real conversation and being rough with me, he proceeded. While getting pierced, he didn't count or tell me to take a deep breath, he just pierced it! After the piercing process was over I thanked him, he told me how long it might take to heal & to use soap and water. Then he said "Ok, you can pay me now. It'll be $55" I said "I thought it was $45..?" He said it was an extra $10 for the barbell. Wether the barbell was truly an extra $10 or not, he could've told me when he gave me the option to choose between the barbell and the hoop, as I wasn't expecting to pay no more than what I was told, besides the tip. Anyway, I gave him $60, while he was slowly digging in his pockets to give my change back, I just told him to keep it. I thanked him once more and he handed me a care sheet and I left. I examined my new piercing while at home and it seems to be slightly crooked and too far back in my naval hole if that makes sense. From this experience, I don't plan on ever going back here. I actually went to him about 2-3 yrs ago to get a cartilage piercing (which he gave me a 14 gauge also that I did not want) and he was the same way. I went back this time thinking there would be new people, but obviously there wasn't. I also have a relative that experienced the same things as myself, and was not completely satisfied with the results of their piercing. I feel as though I was blackmailed and treated with no respect, and for what it cost, being that I know of other places much cheaper with very friendly, experienced and professional people, it wasn't worth it at all. As far as who I went to is concerned, this is one experience that I do regret.