I went there to get my state inspection - had a 2:30 appointment. After about 45 minutes, one of the mechanics informed me that I needed a $14 tail light but they were out of stock. I agreed to wait the 15 minutes they said it would take for them to go get one. About 20-25 minutes later the manager, Robert McCachern, informed me that because they exceeded the quoted time that I would not have to pay the light bulb costs. I was happy with that deal since I hadn't even noticed the time (I was handling other business on the phone). At the end of the transaction, I was also given the manager's business card with a note on the back that said my next oil change would be free. Whoot, whoot. I was happy with the free bulb but over excited about the oil change, especially I am due one soon. Thank you Robert for making things "right" without being asked to.