The only reason they deserve one star was because I was seen quickly and the nurse was very nice. I presented with serious back pain and a list of symptoms that suggested the early onset of shingles (I work with pregnant women and know that it needs to be caught early to avoid exposure to women and their unborn children). I was "seen" by a P.A., who barely looked at my back, dismissed the idea of shingles because I don't have symptoms of advanced full-blown illness. HE DIDN'T EVEN OFFER ANY OTHER POSSIBLE DIAGNOSES. Basically, he dismissed my thoughts and then dismissed me. When I asked him what I should do about the incredible pain I'm in, only then did he prescribe me with a generic ointment (without knowing what's wrong, how would he know that was the right medicine?). I asked him what I should watch for and what should prompt me to come back, and he couldn't answer. Basically, it was a total waste of time and money. I would NEVER go back. Post script: I went to a GP the same day for a second opinion. He confirmed that my symptoms were "classic" shingles and could be nothing else. Fortunately, I stuck with my gut and got the treatment I needed. Shameful.