| - We rode our bikes to the lakefront Saturday, saw this event en route, and checked it out online when we got home. We signed up for tickets mainly since we'd never been on the Ontario Place grounds before and thought this free event would be a good way to get in there. Obviously, we also thought we would eat some mac and cheese when we were there.
My disappointment accords with all the other reviewers - this festival's only purpose seems to be to rid you of money and make you angry. Thankfully, we didn't buy any tickets until we'd compared the ticket cost to various item costs. Some of the mac and cheeses were 12 to 14 tickets. So given the first round of 10 tickets cost $15, these food items STARTED at $15 (we never approached the ticket table, so didn't even realize the second strip was 10 to $10, the sign only said the buy-back was $10). These are normal prices for a food festival supposedly "celebrating" local venues and cheese?
Of course we thought maybe we'd just have a beer instead of a mac and cheese as we watched the poor folks standing in line for their overpriced carb blobs served in dusty cardboard. But again, the local craft beer artistry was being celebrated to the tune of 5 tickets for draught in a plastic cup, and 7 tickets for CANS of beer - that's $10.50 for the first can, if you've been playing along with the ticket math.
Ontario Place was deluged by lake water, and event security was guarding all of the interesting places to walk, so we couldn't wander over to see the grounds anyway. We spent about 20 minutes here being surprised and outraged, then went home and my fellah made a huge pot of his own amazing cavatappi mac and cheese with jalapeƱo havarti, cheddar, fried kolbasa and onions, we ate that with salad and a $3 can of craft brew from the LCBO.
I don't understand the logic of these festivals. I thought these things were supposed to introduce people to local venues and items as a PROMOTION, so that they will come to your restaurant and spend hundreds of dollars there, or so they will seek out and continuously buy your item in the grocery store. This would mean that the venues actually make a small INVESTMENT in the festival, giving festival patrons a bit of a deal, hoping they will not only try LOTS OF THINGS at the festival (and feel good about taking risks, allowing for hits and misses), but especially try YOUR THING, be impressed, and then take that goodwill to the next level. I guess restaurants and companies aren't playing the long game anymore, but just trying to cash in however they can.