Glendale Glitters used to be good clean family fun. You could park your car right by the damn park and walk around with your kids and enjoy all the lights in the trees, maybe catch a movie, and have some chocolate covered strawberries.
NOT anymore! This place is a complete cluster fuq. You have to drive around the neighborhood for 20 minutes just to find a parking spot that you have to pay for and walk 3 blocks to the event. During that walk you have to go around lines of people waiting for a free horse ride, walking up into gravel and around trees and shit.
Then you finally get to the event and it is a complete circus. Bounce houses with lines, ticket booths with lines, vendors with lines, out houses with lines. Just trying to get over to the lights in the park was like trying to take my kids thru a mosh pit. There is no sense of direction, no flow of traffic, just literally walking thru crowds and crowds of GP.
We should have turned around and left but I was determined to at least see the lights as we had already been thru all this torture. Well...I should have left. When we finally get to the park there are so many vendors you cant even enjoy the lights. I'm talking vendor after vendor after vendor. Insurance vendors, churches, jump houses, bungee jumping, more jump houses, and just swarms of people.
I felt like we were filming another mad max sequel. If only my kid was painted white and had a flaming guitar and I had a mask with hoses coming out of it. Then it would have all made sense.
We did a big circle of madness and got the hell out of there.
Congratultions city of Glendale! You have once again ruined a good family time just like you ruined the fireworks show at GCC. I hope the vendor permits help pay for all the tax money you doused in gasoline and lit on fire to keep the coyotes for a few more years.
You all should be fired!
RIP Glendale Glitters. Never again.