My local in-the-know buddy took me here for Saturday lunch. It's the kind of restaurant I like to eat in when I'm in town, but I need a local to steer me to the ones where the food will be tasty and not give me ptomaine. As an example, we passed a place a few miles away called "Mom's" that looked "colorful" but my friend told me to avoid it at all costs.
By the way if you think the Parkview is a "dive bar" I have some actual dives to show you. It's just an old, slightly dusty vintage neighborhood bar and grill, not a dive. Although it will probably look divey to people who generally frequent sports bars in Rocky River.
I guess from reading other reviews this place was on some food show. I couldn't care less. If I wanted foodie food, I'd go a few more miles to Tremont. There were a couple unusual things on the menu (pork tacos) but mostly a lot of the old standbys like burgers and tuna melt. Our sandwiches were good. It was quiet in there with just a few tables of folks eating, and of course we had no problem finding parking. This place is well off the main drag, plus I got the impression the rest of the neighborhood was still asleep. I guess the raucous nite club scene happens later and I can't say I've ever dropped by for that, since it seems to be a jazzy-bluesy place and I'm not a jazzy-bluesy person. I did notice they had a big square room which should be good for a band compared to the noise dynamics of the more typical little long-narrow-room setup many of these joints have.
My only real complaint was that it would be nice to order a quesadilla with both chicken AND black beans in it without the price jacking up a whole five dollars. Aside from that, this is a decent burger and hot sandwich stop that's a cool change in atmosphere from a diner.