After standing in line forever while the cashier talked his head off to a couple talking how everyone knew him as the Costco guy, he then checked out another lady and as she left he said thank you Betty. Then it was my turn. No hello, no than you and no goodbye. This happened as the lady was just throwing our stuff in a buggy. Never asked if we wanted a box so we had to get one ourselves. Then as we walked away, there was someone there without a red jacket so we assumed this a manager. I told her he was the worse cashier I ever met in my life. She just kept smiling and never said a word. So I will go over to the San Tan village area where they have always been friendly to us, even though this one is much closer to my house. Just have no use for rudeness. Last aisle towards pharmacy at 2pm on Sunday July 16th 2017. Didn't get his name but I just referred to him as a-****.