This place will always hold a special place in my heart.
It will be a family tradition going forward to get everyone Christmas presents at Deseret.
When my grandma wanted to save money at Christmas (because our family is HUGE and she likes getting more than one present for everyone), she would shop for presents at Deseret. My aunts and grandmother would have thrift-shopping days and spend hours going through the items they found here.
I didn't cherish the gifts as much when I was little, but my grandma always got me quite a bit of presents at Christmas, and always put little white stickers on the bottom that said "XoXo Grandma Pat."
I'll be here to do the same thing, and get everyone in my family a little something-something just as my grandma did years ago.
My grandma chose Deseret because of how nice the employees are, how clean the store is, and the great items she ALWAYS found for a reasonable price.