| - I'd rate it a 3, but my boyfriend loved it and would give it a five, so a four star it is!
I hate horror movies, more specifically, I hate Eli Roth movies. Not because they are bad, mind you, but because I always get terrified and usually get nightmares for weeks after watching one. What can I say? I'm a romcom kind of girl! Having said that, my boyfriend and I went during the day, so he could get his horror fix and I wouldn't be too scared. He also was forced to eat at Bubba Gump.
Anyway, upon entering, the decor is pretty cool. I may hate horror movies, but I can appreciate a cool schtick when I see one. They had body parts in formaldehyde for sale in the gift shop. Pretty much, you could buy anything, according to the sales girl. I do have a fetish for weird medical tools and had to be talked out of buying a few.
Onto the tour! It was cool at first and the tour guide understood how terrified I was and so he kept the scares to a minimum. I really enjoyed the details in the different rooms. The fishing wire hanging to mimic cobwebs is an oldie, but always fun (especially since it reminded me of my job on a fishing boat, which had me laughing as I wondered the weight on the lines..). The story line was hokey, but my boyfriend appreciated it and loved the gore that was, literally, in every room. I also think he enjoyed watching me figure out how to mimic some of the Gore for possible Halloween costume ideas.
The cheap thrills are good for those who aren't scaredy cats, like me. I think this would've been a lot more fun with my girls and if I were inebriated. As of now, I'd much prefer the day tour. Although the bar seems like a cool place to go at night...but that's all I'd do sober.
-awesome themed area
-cool effects
-daytime tours are less scary
-not for non-horror fans
-the electric chair
-hokey storyline/bad acting