I was told that Leibowitz. had a bad bedside manner and that is true. I was told also that he was super competent, completely untrue. Firstly, he did not know what surgery I was having when he dropped in pre-op because he didn't have my file. He was performing surgery on 8 others that day so getting the right chart was fairly critical. I went home after surgery and my eye bled out and I could see nothing out of it for over 2 hours. Then I was taken to ER via ambulance. The hospital called him but he never came or had someone else fill in for him. Even when I returned for my 3 minute "follow-up" he never mentioned the emergency room visit. Now, it turns out I have to have additional surgery. He didn't complete the job. Well, how could he with 8 other patients lined up. After getting about $12,000 in fees he still had the audacity to bill me for an additional $950. The ambulance was $1250 and I owe another $1200 to my new ophthalmologist. I am shocked that he has any patients at all. Run...fast.