| - I like the concept and the space. Service is fine.
The menu could use some clarification. One reviewer said it, and it happened to someone in my party too: some things come with rice OR beans not both, and people used to both, say it on accident and end up getting three bucks added to the bill.
The rice and/or beans have meat in them, can't be had without meat, and it's not clear enough on the menu. That's going to piss some people off. Vegetarians in the Madison area? Nah, it'll never happen. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Surprisingly, the bacon/pork belly in your rice didn't help it at all.
The food is bad.
The steak in my fajitas were all the bad stuff that steak could be: not hot, tough, very bland.
This place serves huge portions and everyone leaves with a box. Some people like that, but it's not as good the next day, and now I've got baggage to carry around. Honestly, I'd rather pay less for an appropriate ampount of food. The last time I was there they got to watch my ass turn around and walk right back out because they refused to sell me a lunch portion for weekend lunch.