Complete garbage. This had to be the worst waste of money I have ever spent. Without the card it was 30 dollars for me and my wife, and lets put it this way I had better food when I was at bootcamp and I eat ANYTHING. The selection was more sparse then the desert, and what was there was either bland, cooked wrong, had been sitting under the lamps for way to long, or all of the above. The macaroni and cheese was worse then a T.V. dinner. I could have made better taquitos if I had microwaved some I bought from the store. But yet the greatest part is some how they managed to ruin what seems like a pretty simple dessert bar, I would have gladly taken a rock covered with shredded paper over their supposed strawberry cheese cake which seemed to be slathered with red jello instead of an actual drizzle. Besides the food the only other things I have to even remotely complain about is that it wasn't very well ventilated so the smoke smell lingered in from the casino which makes my pregnant wife a little nauseous, and that they could up date there decor it's just a little older and has some wear. Other then that the staff was definitely their best asset friendly, conscious of our existence, and removed plates before we could get back to the table. Now all they have to do is work on getting food that is edible. For all intensive purposes I would recommend going to the Aliante just 5 minutes away same price SOOOOO much better