I stayed at the extended stay two and a half weeks ago and they put me in a room where I stepped in a big puddle of dog urine and a room that smells like mold. I know what a house smells like when it has mold I moved out of one. I got to take a shower and there's no shower curtain and when I crawl into bed there's holes in the sheets for my look like cigarette Burns. That was just one night. I notified the gentleman at the front desk the very next morning about the dog urine in the mold and which he told me that yes there was a pipe that busted with a water leak so more than likely there is mold in that room and then I should have never been put in that room in the first place.
I checked in on the 17th of June into a room that was absolutely full of dust in the bed frame and the baseboards and that had dead bed bugs on the mattress and underneath the nightstand. There was also a dog urine on the box spring. It was absolutely appalling and disgusting and I had my 11 year old daughter sleeping that filth. When I asked for a little compensation having to switch to another Extended Stay 25 minutes away that would make my commute to work that much longer including more money for gas I was told they would compensate one night. So beware of this Hotel of Filth that has never been cleaned properly in over a year too. The staff is very nice.