I had a water softener taken out and put in. The previous plumber I had did it for $180 total.
I bought the ANGIES LIST DEAL for $99 for 2 hours...
They tried to charge me $350 extra for about 2 ft of piping and joints. (wanted to charge me total of $99+$350=$449 for this simple job. He never even warned me that the job would cost that much etc.... he just acted like no big deal and then makes up a fake invoice.
Total scam. They even tried to sell me a tankless water heater for $4k+ saying the current water heater would eventually flood.
What he didnt know was that an insurance contracter just reattached the current water heater and guaranteed the water heater before we took ownership of the home.
In addition, The insurance contracted plumber (Not ProServ) came by later on to finish a different job and stated... that ProServ plumber who told you to get a tankless heater is a scam artist. Your flume and gas line wont work w a tankless heater and itll end up being a bigger mess. You would then need to move tank lines etc. it WONT Save you money... itll end up costing you a ton once you commit to the tankless and then realize you need bigger gas piping and flume to be constructed.
I told the ProServ plumber to get ****d and im not paying him his price for the extra parts which was a total rip off.