| - Stay far, far away from TOCA, and specifically, "Doctor" (and I use that term very loosely) Josh Vella. Especially if you are referred to him/them for an IME for a workers comp claim. Despite being told that an IME should take 1-2 hours, Josh Vella spent approximately 10 minutes with me and rudely stated "I have everything I need. It is clear what is going on here".
Despite the fact that I have been working ergonomically incorrectly for the past 10 years, in 10 minutes this "doctor" concluded that my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is NOT work related. But, it gets better... what DOES he attribute it to?... me being over weight.... ya, because obesity causes a repetitive motion injury.... right... what a joke of a determination.
Not only that, but upon providing even more details to this "doctor", he and TOCA refuse to even reevaluate.
What happened to doctors and medical offices with integrity? Clearly that is a foreign word to Josh Vella and the leadership of TOCA.
Oh, and all of this after waiting 40 minutes AFTER my scheduled appointment time.
If you have a choice in providers, stay clear of TOCA and Josh Vella!!