I previously wrote a review from my iPhone app and it appears to have never posted, but since the men at Bill Luke Fiat were so polite I felt I should give them their credit due.
I was there in January 2015, planning my move from Michigan. I was contemplating buying a little Fiat once I relocate. I rolled through the lot and saw John from Jersey with a very cool vintage hat on. The hat alone had me smiling! He was not high-pressure sales at all. I test drove the Fiat Pop. The short car ride with him in the passenger seat was a delight. I felt like I made a new friend. He was pleasant and even funny.
Upon return I received a gift card for taking it on a test drive - wow, it only gets better! As the manager activated the card for me, I told him what a great guy I thought John from Jersey was. Believe me...I run from high pressure salesmen, and this man was so chillaxed I could have hung out there longer if I didn't have a plane to catch!
The manager was Steve Sprute, and he was extremely nice too. As it turns out I might be buying a car before I leave Michigan, because I need to transport my cats to Arizona with relative comfort. I test drove a larger Fiat 500L here, but might end up with a Kia Soul. I do dig the Fiats, but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! I will stop in to visit these guys at Bill Luke regardless - that's how much of an impact they made on me during my short time there. :)