This place is a place to get Testosterone shots. Nothing else.
It is run by about 6 girls all under 21 and there is no Doctor in sight. There is a PA on staff but he is far from a Doc and could care less what you have to say. He also has some VERY far out thought processes on health as he sits there drinking Pepsi preaching to you about diet. His name is Jeff Smith.
If you are looking for hormone therapy or someone to get you on track is recommend looking elsewhere or going and actually seeing a doctor.
This place also comes off as a health hazard. The girls at the front desk are filling preloaded syringes of HCG and Testosterone while they answer phones. So unprofessional!!!!
Don't get me started on their fee structure. 3 shots for $75. They won't write you a script for Testosterone either so don't even bother. I've been going here for months now and they will only sell me preloads. 3 for $75, if you get a script it's 12 for $70!!!
This place is here to fleece you and nothing more. Go find a good Endocrinologist or a place that actually cares enough to have a Doctor on staff and not a quack who likes to scare you into thinking Test is the only answer to all your problems.
Oh and clean your office!! It's disgusting. Shame on these guys.