Beware of the price for 6" Birthday cake
I was in a pinch and needed to locate a bakery that could make me a dairy free birthday cake for my daughter. I checked the webpage for the types of cakes and placed the order over the phone on a Friday and made arrangements to pick it on Monday. I neglected to enquire about the price and didn't check the email confirmation until Monday when I was supposed to pick up the cake. I was shocked at the $60.00 price and quickly phoned to enquire why the price was so high. With no hesitation the owner simply responded with "that is how it is". I should have cancelled right then but I was in a pinch and simply responded with "that's fine, I'm on my way". I entered the store and asked the owner not to take my enquiry personally, I was a first time customer and hadn't looked at the email confirmation, the website was absent of any prices. The store was empty when I entered and the lady was so annoyed and offended that she proceeded to yell at me for my price enquiry and didn't stop until I left the store $60.00 poorer with a 6" cake. Against my better judgment I tried to defuse the situation by saying I understood only to be hit back with more yelling and more rudeness. It's a shame that the owner was unable to backup the $60.00 price tag. Hopefully the cake is $60 delicious.