Came here for a simple replacement of my spark plugs and coils. I have a e90 BMW
On the first day, granted I did come on the wrong day, they squeezed me in. Grateful for that. Somehow they forgot to replace my coils with my new ones. Alright, that's fine. At least they replaced my spark plugs. Car is running better, but the job isn't done.
Come in the second day and they finish the job. Now my car is running worse? These idiots for one, didn't reattach my wire harness above the engine. Two, put Two DIFFERENT bolts attaching my cabin air filter housing. Three, left out one of the three bolts attaching my engine cover. And most important, DIDN'T EVEN SECURELY ATTACH MY COILS BACK TOGETHER.
I, personally, had to go back in and take everything apart to fix what these idiots couldn't do right the first time.
You'll be better off doing the job yourself if you know how to. Don't give these people your money. They'll never get any more of mine.