Alright, I'm a little embarrassed...I was so excited about staying at The Blake Hotel because of a similarly named bar in Atlanta's midtown. I thought it would have a ton of cute gay boys and partying down at all hours behind the front desk, maybe a disco ball and Jell-o shots or something when you walk in.
Alas, there was no disco ball, and no party people as concierge and lobby attendants. Just the contrasting colors and mod lounge feel.
There was however an extravagant holiday party the night of my birthday dinner in the convention center that we seriously considered crashing. We settled for taking a few photographs with a camel right outside of their ballroom on our way out.
Oddly, the convention part of the hotel looks like any other convention center with brown, maroon and mustard hued decorations and patterned carpet. I suppose this part has not yet been 'mod'ified. You know you've reached the new part when you pass the huge silver bizarro mirror that makes your calves look like those of a Tour de France cyclist.
Each room has a flat screen TV with contemporary looking decorations and amenities. There may not be a party in the lobby, but there's nothing stopping you from having one in your ultra-chic room. Enjoy!