First time to the dentist in nearly 5 years, and I must admit I walked away for the first time I can remember actually looking forward to going again. It was a very positive experience.
The dentist I saw seemed to understand from the outset that I'm not extremely comfortable at the dentist and took the time to explain everything about what they were doing and throughout the examination made small talk.
The hygienist was extremely attentive and conversational. Where I normally feel very rushed at any medical facility be it for a physical examination, or that unexpected medical emergency, I felt like she really took her time, over an hour and a half making sure my teeth were as clean as she could make them. I have to say, she did a great job, and a big hats off to her for forgiving my smoking and coffee drinking!
Sadly, I have a few cavities and a tooth to pull, but I can say with great confidence that I'm feeling very comfortable about returning to have the work done.
My appointment:
- Dental examination
- Xrays
The coolest part of both was after they pulled up the xrays and photos on a big screen TV, then walked me through what they saw right there. Very cool!
- Teeth cleaning