Cafeteria living...
I have a thing for these Swedish meatballs. The balls, the gravy, the mashed potatoes & the icing on the cake ~ the lingonberry jam! When all of these flavors come together in your mouth, it's heaven.
This place is super nostalgic for me and I remember coming to IKEA as a kid when we had very little money to buy put together your own furniture and eat lunch or dinner for super cheap. I liked the food then & I still like it now. This isn't some gourmet meal, packed with flavor but I dig it. Maybe being European has something to do with it as well?
This place is clean & super cheap. They also serve European style desserts with marzipan! I love marzipan!
Here's my issue with this operation. Nobody thought about to go orders. You have to order your food & get it plated to then get a to go container that isn't sealed so your gravy can spill out of. You yourself have to get everything off your plate into these little containers. They also don't have bags to carry these weird containers in.
IKEA ~ I want more of your balls to go. I want to give you my money. I'd like to do this on a regular basis because I like your products that much. I believe you can make a lot more money on to go orders as well. Please fix this & I'll gladly spread the word that you are one cool ass company because I know you are. Let's get to go orders thought out. Thank you and ps I love your meatballs if you didn't already know.