A step above a convenience store.. I'm a local bartender and shop for alcohol and tools more frequently than an auto mechanic does!
I'm comparing them to their competition( total wine) obviously that dominates them. This location is near my house so I decided to give it a try. I was looking for simple things to make a home made margarita, those things included a PLAIN salt rimmer and a standar size cocktail strainer, WHICH THEY DID NOT HAVE?! the one and only strainer they had looked as though it was made for a 4oz cheater tin( very small) and all the rimmers they had were flavored. After I decided to take my business to Total wine, I quickly realized you can not exit this store without squeezing between customers in the only open register line making it very awkward! Wow.
All this being said, of course, they do have some liqueurs that Total does not carry, however the overall experience is much better there