I bought a table off a coworker. A Connelly, very nice table. The plan was to manhandle it to its new home. Thank goodness another coworker advised me against that. I reached out to several movers. And am pleased to say I found billiards 2 U. Dan was awesome very easy to deal with. The price was more then fair. Come moving day(today) his guys were on point. They were very fast, friendly and professional. They were on time at the pick up location. My coworker was very pleased with them. They arrived at my house and were ready to roll. Multiple felts to choose from. They made sure I was satisfied with the location of the table. The table is in place and ready to rock. I am extremely satisfied with this team. After seeing all that's involved involved in this I am glad I listened to my coworker. DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!! Billiards 2 U is the way to go. Good customer service is hard to come by. These guys exceeded my expectations. My wife was so pleased when she saw it which is the most important part of the process. Her smile said it all. Now it's time to shoot some pool. I'll let her win for the first week or so.