| - 2 stars just for good service ... 0 for food and DJ.
I don't know what the food is like in the daytime and realize this was Friday PM bar food but was driving by at 11pm, and a bit peckish and saw it was open w/sign saying 'kitchen open late' and the place seemed a bit poppin' so dropped in. I got a 4 crispy taco basket ... seriously they were the worst tacos I've ever had anywhere, ever.
It was overfried tortillas filled with WAY overfried meat, with a sprinkle of lettuce on top ... and that literally was it. They were DRIPPING with grease, with like a pool of oil at the bottom of the basket they rested in.
I asked bartender/server for some salsa and cheese which she promptly brought, so kudos on her service she was cool, but that couldn't save these monstrosities posing as tacos.
Taco Bell, and even the lowly 2 for 1.29 Jack in the Box soy-based tacos ... honestly beat the pants off these things. Only ate about 1/2 and gave up in disgust. Moral of story ... don't ever order late-night crispy tacos at this place.
Last comment ... the DJ seemed to think it was neat to blast a hip-hop track with a female artist repeatedly exhorting the listener to 'lick that (kitty) just like you should', and then 'my lips, my back, lick my (kitty) and my crack ... ' ... pretty much over and over. Sounded like a pron soundtrack, which I can appreciate ... but in another setting.
Mebbe I'm just getting old but I mean it's 11pm in Mesa AZ, not 3am in SF/NYC, you feel me DJ? C'mon now. A LITTLE class ... might be nice.