This is a relatively classy place, not necessarily a college bar. At least, there was a fair mix of ages in here, and nobody even gave me dirty looks when I cheered vociferously for Penn State against the Illini during a Saturday-night game. It was lively but not crowded.
They have dark red paint and cherry wood in here, which individually are quite handsome but do not match well together. In general, though, it's an attractive place with a mellow atmosphere. One detraction: the bathrooms are terrible, far worse than you would expect given the rest of the establishment.
Service was friendly and attentive from our two waitresses. The first one could not name the bar's whiskeys besides "Jameson, Jack, Jim, Crown" (thankfully I ended up with Woodford Reserve) but give her credit for at least knowing what "whisk(e)y" is (you'd be surprised).