This was my first visit to Simon Medical Imaging (washinton office location) and I can honestly say it was a very pleasant experience. When I first arrived I was told by the receptionist Tiffany that my Dr. Did not send my referral for my MRI. She said she called them to get it but they told her that the MRI was not approved even though it was and Tiffany already had the approval but they still would not send it. I even asked them to send it and they wouldn't. It showed me my Dr.s office could care less for the me.
Tiffany was wonderful she told me we are going to get this MRI done today and not to worry, she really cared about the patient was very helpful, this was a workmens comp case she called the claims adjuster she sent the referral plus the approval it was just a matter of making a call. I can't thank her enough for all her help and kindness she showed me.
The Tech Jan who did my MRI was fantastic very personable and really cared about my well being while having my MRI. He was so kind and I really appreciated him so much.