this chanel is located in the bellagio and it's huge. so huge that it makes one's wallet quiver. there are different sections to house their fine jewlery, make up, bags and bobbles, and their rtw (ready to wear). being the huge chanel fanatic that i am, i HAD to visit their little shop when i was in town. at exactly 10am, when their doors opened, i stepped in to browse...tee (yup, that's her name) was the SA that helped me and helped me she did. i walked away with an itty bitty chanel to add to my collection.
one of the best things about chanel shops in vegas are the random chances of finding past season chanel items that did not get sold out like other chanel boutiques in l.a. i assume the chanel customer base in vegas are made mostly of tourists which means a transient clientele that don't always buy everything up like l.a. does. anyways, i was able to find what i was looking for.
chanel arm candy is soooooo delicious!