Biggest, baddest H&M store we've ever been to. From the ground floor looking in, I wanna enter to see what's good. It just feels like a hand waving you away from Hearts on Fire (get there in a moment, that's another review) and away from Louboutin directly into this spot.
Not surprisingly, this store has much if not all of the exact same items as the H&M locations in SF and the Bay Area, just many more of them.
Howeva, I did find a sweater that I absolutely had to have for $10!! Yes, $10. In fact, while my lovely wife was in the fitting room, I searched the entire men's section for a steal of an item. Something I don't have, really want and kinda need and that's how it happened. I was pretty stoked when my wife said "Nice sweater babe" as I our eyes met again headed toward the register.