Super bummed about this one. Always wanted to try the King's dog and signature papaya drink, especially after seeing Bourdain devour them on tv. Keeping in mind, he was in NYC at the flagship with the owner, but, hey...doesn't Vegas deserve quality and attention? The dog was decent and with the distinct "Snap", but, man, the rest was was crap. Cheapest bun on the planet disintegrated with an overload of Sysco toppings. Had the New York dog #1 on the menu, served recklessly with more drippings than frank. Pro Tip: get a plain dog and add your side toppings as you go along. Defeats the purpose of having prefab options, but who wants to contend with all that mess? Nathan's, still wins. Papaya "smoothie" more like a sugary Orange Julius-type than tropical goodness; on par with the pseudo quality of their offerings. Maybe the boozy Stip location will serve Vegas better.