My daughter started in a new school last week and we needed to order gym clothing for her to be able to attend gym class. I have placed the order that include two shirt and to pair of shorts. They sent me pants instead... I contacted them to let them know and here's their stupid policy. I need to send them their pants back before they even attempt to send me the shorts I wanted. I needed this the day before I placed the order and now it looks like the shorts are on a slow boat from China. A good company would expedite the two pair of shorts right away. Because of school policies and their screw up, my daughter won't be able to attend gym class tomorrow or until she get them shorts. Looks like she's a few weeks away to get them since I need to send these unwanted pants to them before they send me the shorts that I've ordered in the first place. No wonder our school are looking elsewhere for manufacturing uniforms. With service like this , you'll be out of work in no time.
Such a big fuss over clothing that cost pennies to make
Good Luck