| - I'd rather give this place three why 4? Because of the friendly service.
I love bagels. I like the selection they offer and the espresso drinks as well.
Yes the service is a bit slow, yes they have messed up my order but you know what? They fixed their mistake without any attitude or rolling of eyes. I like that. And you know what? Friendly goes a long way. How can you be mad at someone who apologizes for their mistake and fixes it right away? You can't, unless you are a monster.
The bagels are good, always perfectly toasted and buttered. The staff takes awhile to make drinks, maybe they don't make a lot of lattes or maybe they need to brush up on their faster pace skills. The drinks take FOR-EVA...but they are always tasty. And it seems that the specialty feature lattes are constantly changing and I order those, so maybe it's a "how do I make this new drink?" Issue and not a pace issue.
Now I said everyone here is nice. I meant that except for one employee. Guess who that employee is? Oh it's the GM!! That woman is a B rhymes with witch. I was in utter shock when I found out that this unpleasant individual was the GM!!
Scenario: I ordered a strawberry banana smoothie for my person. It's a Saturday at noon. The bagel pickings were slim and they still have four more hours until close. Is anyone making bagels? Bueller? Bueller? The associate starts to make the smoothie and realizes oh there are no bananas. Who used the last banana? Hint: whoever used the last banana could have said "Hey we are out of 'naners!" And someone could have WALKED across the parking lot to Albertsons to get more because not sure if anyone read the beverage menu board but STRAWBERRY BANANA SMOOTHIE is a prominently displayed drink choice. You need bananas for that and conveniently a grocery store is right there, like right there!!! My person doesn't want just a strawberry smoothie or a mixed berry smoothie. So I asked to just get a refund. They call over the person eating their lunch in the store which brings me to, hey you are kind of busy, think you can jump in and help instead of stuffing your face ignoring the fact that there is a line??? This person (a woman) goes to give me change and I said wait can't you put it back on my card? I paid with a credit card. She says oh I forgot to ask you if you wanted it on your card but I already did it and I am going to give you change. So I asked her if she would put it on my card since that is an option. She sighed very heavily, rolled her big, stupid eyes at me and went on to charge me for another drink on my card and had to void that one plus return the first one. In my head I was thinking, if this place wasn't around the corner and if everyone wasn't so nice I'd never come here again if this were my first time here. I didn't know that was the GM, they went and sat back down after "helping, not helping" me. I was appalled, there was still a line and cream cheese tubs in a bus bucket teetering on the cooler edge that needed to be put out and displayed, but they got busy and the employee doing that task jumped behind the counter to HELP. You'd think the GM (who I didn't know was the GM at the time) would maybe take the what 3 minutes it would take to put them away instead of sitting back down to eat?
I went in today and the nice manager with the long blonde pony tail, I wish I knew her name...was there. I thought she was GM she's always helpful and pleasant and I wanted her to know, listen you have a manager here who isn't exactly welcoming, you need to coach her on her people skills because if I wasn't a regular and didn't know that it's normally a pleasant experience here, I'd never come back. She told me that woman was the GM. My mouth involuntarily fell open in shock. I couldn't believe it. The GM is acting like that? Wow. And I noticed a we're hiring sign on the window. It makes me wonder who would want to work for this woman? Are they having a hard time keeping employees? If you treat a customer like she did me and she thought that was acceptable behavior what does she treat her employees like. I felt bad for the entire staff.
I hope the GM sees this. (Maybe customer service is not your forte...or maybe you need to work very hard on your people skills, I get the impression you are new, if you need some coaching on how to deal with people please respond to my review and I will be happy to set up a time to get together to go over basic customer service behaviors with you. I am very serious.)