I deal with chronic pain, so I get massages fairly regularly and have had my share of different massages/masseurs. John's technique was unique, and effective as he blends multiple methods into a single massage his "signature" massage as he called it. His trigger point work (which with most masseurs feels akin to being tortured) was surprisingly gentle but still effective in unlocking the knots I so commonly hold in my back. I never once needed to tell him to adjust pressure, it seemed he was fairly intuitive on this aspect. Which for me is a feat as the amount of pressure I like varies depending on the area being worked. He also utilized some techniques that I had not ever experienced before; which seemed fairly effective. At the end of the massage I had the sleepy euphoria of relaxed muscles that come only with an effective treatment, without having much post-massage soreness that is typical of a deep tissue or trigger point work. I would absolutely recommend, as so many others already have.