| - Hearing the words "Dear Heart" still brings a tear to my eye.......
This is THE BEST place in the Strip District, and possibly all of Pittsburgh, to pick up all things Italian-from cheese to olives to meat to sauces. While somewhat disorganized, the cheese counter is my favorite place to start. You do have to buy a minimum weight of any type of cheese, however, I believe it's 1/4 of a pound, which is the perfect amount to keep around for snacking I have found. The customer service, even without "Dear Heart" is still stellar, and they have always let me sample anything I wanted to try before buying. What else goes perfectly with cheese? No, not crackers (IMO) but olives! They have buckets and buckets of bulk olives you can choose from-stuffed olives and plain. They have a bread section with Breadworks items and several vats of olive oil so you can buy a large amount. There is a small section stocked with fresh produce in the back near the registers. They have a whole section, as well, dedicated to all types of spices-the smells are intoxicating! This is my personal favorite stop when I go to the Strip District and I highly recommend anyone who likes food (and who doesn't?!) to pop in and enjoy!