My son's review:
Looking at the outside I was very excited! I thought It looked very futuristic. You can see the Biosphere from far away.
I was expecting more of the Biosphere.
I liked the movie presentation. They were talking about climate change. I like the 360 degree view of the movie. When it would rain in the video, It would rain in the room. It had snow inside the room.
I would recommend to go when It is hot outside. Don't come here and expect a lot if it is cold. The exhibits were nice, but I heard that there is a futuristic room. It was closed on that day. I like how you learn new things, and they keep you aware about global warming. Since, I was a kid I went there for free.
My review:
I was disappointed in the Biosphere; but glad I was able to take my son. This was one of the attractions he wanted to experience on this trip. I'm glad we did. Unfortunately, 1/2 of the exhibits were closed today. Fortunately, I was charged $7.50 CA instead of the usual $15.00 CA and my son was free.
I agree with my son, the 360 view movie was great! The best part was the weather in the movie was actualized in the theater. It was exciting for me to see him be so excited over the experience. I enjoyed watching him.
The climate change presentation was also nice. It was a lecture and Q & A style. It was great to see how much children int he audience knew about climate change and Global Warming. The presenter was excellent.
Based on today's experience, I wouldn't recommend the Biosphere. However, I would have liked to spend more time on the island.