Sometimes you just got to go get you a really filthy meal. You want to cuss at somebody about food. You feel like that, go to this place and eat breakfast and lunch at the same time.
They put chicken on their waffles which is fine but what's with the bones? Crunch on them if they're small and gut down the cartilege and whatnot but you gonna choke yourself on one of those big bones. Spit it on the curb out front like me. I paid for it, right? It's mine to spit here or there. You're the same way, Charlie. That waffle is yours and that chicken is yours and you can do what you want with the bones.
I went in and asked what the hell about the waffle/chicken at the same time thing. They were all cutesy about it and thought it was southern or blah blah blah. I said, "Is you is or is you ain't gonna give me one?" They did.
And it was alright and you get iced tea or malt liquor at the gas station.
It's Maple Heights, don't get shot.
Order double, it's not enough.
Drink first.
Be nice and they give you a bigger piece. Or be hot. That works too, I'm sure.