I shop everywhere for tires, including Craigslist. I tend to lean towards rim shops since they usually have good condition take-offs from people that up-size their rims. So, I was driving by this place and thought, "Hub Cap Annie's, that sounds like a cool place that has a family history in Vegas AND it's a rim shop", double points. Since I love supporting locals I navigated through a wacky intersection and made a couple of U-turns to access it. Well it was worth it because I got a pair of pre-owned tires for just under $100. Michelins, no less. New they would have been at LEAST $130 EACH. These have almost all of their tread.
It's not the greatest neighborhood as tweakers are wandering around and crackheads are selling giant pixie sticks on the corner and drunks are stumbling up asking what day it is, but it's totally safe, clean and friendly on the inside.