While struggling to maintain balance in my life, a daily practice is helped immensely by a beautiful space, knowledgeable staff and stimulating curriculum.
I've got some experience in yoga, ayurveda and have travelled a bit in Asia. I had the fortune to spend some time in Mysore studying ashtanga, at an ashram in Pune as well as vipassana in Chiang Mai.
In my travels through the States and around the world I have had the fortune to study under amazing teachers in humble rooms and exotic locales. These experiences have made me quite particular in my choice of studios.
Urban Yoga meets or exceeds all my expectations.
It is hard to get over how beautiful it is. One continually notes the nuanced attention: from the door handles to the floors in the locker rooms. But as beauty can be a thin surface, the honest appreciation comes through while coming to class every day: the classes available seven days a week many from 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM. Online scheduling, teacher summaries (and what excellent, passionate teachers!).
My favorite part? The little lending library that reminds me of all the libraries I would see in ex-pat cafes while travelling in India.
Pricing is quite reasonable also. Tip: they seem to offer some kind of package special every month.