Took my GM SUV here because of an intermittent starting problem.
When I went to pick it up I was told that a rodent had chewed my ignition wires but that they "fixed" the problem. Wonderful. When I asked them to elaborate on "fixed" I was told that the mechanic had individually "rewrapped and repaired" the wires where they were chewed and that by doing so they saved me a bunch of money and that I would not have to replace the wires which would have cost much more. Great I said, thank you. Then they handed me a bill for $420. Wow, really? It apparently took them over 3 hours.
I then asked how much it would have cost to replace all the wires new. Around $600 I was told. Wow just wow. Like an idiot in a rush I paid the money and left and immediately drove to Eastern Ontario for business. When I got back to the GTA two days later I had the same intermittent ignition problem come up again so I popped the hood. What I found was as surprising as it was angering.
Budds had simply wrapped the wires in what looked like household electrical tape and moisture was now causing it to lose its stick and unravel exposing the frayed wires again. I called the service desk and asked them what was going on with that and was told that I could bring it in for them to look at and if I wanted I could pay more to have the wires replaced. No thanks. If they were the only auto service place left on earth then I would rather walk for the rest of my life than have them work on one of my vehicles again.
So I went online ordered an entire set of ignition wires for my truck for $125 and put them on myself in the driveway in less than an hour and the vehicle has started fine ever since.
You know why Budds has all those big, fancy and glimmering buildings at all their dealerships?
Its because they are blatantly and flagrantly RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!