Three stars just because my arteries wouldn't allow me any more than this. It was decent pizza, but let me tell you, I added a good two pounds from just a couple slices.
Catered lunches when I'm on the road are a double edged sword. Tasty, perhaps. Convenient, definitely. Healthy, not a chance. I always have to watch what I eat otherwise I'd be a lot heavier. And Joe's is the type of place that I have to watch out for.
The office manager either didn't count too well or figured that all of us looked skinny and needed to add a few pounds. Because she ordered an entire large pizza for every 1.5 people.
I ate along with about a dozen others, and we finished off maybe 3 pizzas total. And a lot of these guys were on the larger side, too! But the stuffed pizza with sausage and ham and pepperoni and whatever else was just too massive. Delicious and glistening with grease, but oh so divine. Too bad there was still half a day left and I had to stave off a nap for another four hours.