| - Rachael and Dan are really as good as it gets! My dog was always friendly to other dogs, but once she got attacked by two big dogs, she changed. She started snapping at other dogs at the dog park, she started barking and lunging at them while on a walk. I was heartbroken and I felt devastated thinking that she might always be this way. I will admit that the idea of using an e-collar scared me. I thought it was mean. I was completely wrong. It's never used as a punishment, it is only used as an extension of your voice. It made complete sense. When she is in "freak out" mode when seeing another dog, she can't hear a word I'm saying. She is way too intense to hear me, even when I'm screaming. With Sit Means Sit, they teach you how to communicate with your dog even when they are in an intense state. The results I saw even on the first day were amazing. The first class I went to, Pepper had to wear a muzzle and tried to attack EVERY dog in class. I kept at it, and after several classes, and a board and train session with Rachael and Dan, I'm seeing that Pepper can be who she really is, a friendly outgoing dog even with other dogs. When I was on vacation, Rachael sent me a video of Pepper playing and having fun with other dogs! It made me tear up, it was so great to see her being a dog again. Just the other day one of my kids let Pepper out of the house. My neighbor was on a walk with his greyhound. Before I could grab her, Pepper approached the greyhound respectfully and they met each other normally, with no incidents! I was so thrilled and relieved! If you have any kind of issue with your dog, I assure you Rachael and Dan can help you!