I went to go see this show since I heard it was closing and I didn't want to miss it. I must say I was pleasantly surprised.
Favorite acts:
* Got a Lot of Livin to Do = high-energy vertical trampoline act
* Return to Sender = high bar routine
* The entire end where the guys in the tuxedos were tossing each other into pyramids in the air
Sure, there were a couple of boring parts (filler), but all Cirque shows have some slower parts that they interject between all of the excitement.
I think it is important to note that I would never classify myself as an Elvis fan (since I was born in a later generation), but I have been humming many of the songs from the show ever since I saw it. Perhaps if Cirque went ahead and reworked the show so it would have more acrobatic acts as they originally intended to do before they made the decision to shut it down, it would have been more appealing to younger generations and they may have sold more tickets.
All in all, I am very sorry the show is closing. I look forward to hopefully seeing it again on DVD in the future (if they release it).