| - I actually said 'oh wow!' after I sampled the Oatmeal. Yes, its amazing. I love the toppings they offered, both in selection and size. How nice to an entire baklava stick, mallow creme, almond roca... great stuff here.
Ok the slightly bad-
Price is higher than places like yogurtland. I spent about 40% more than I normally would, but to be fair, I got things like the baklava and brownie, 2 sauces, heavier stuff. But no more in quantity. They charge 40cents/oz
Also, my tongue itched for about 15 minutes after starting to eat. This only happens to me when I have underripe bananas or kiwis, and I didn't have any fruit. Mildly irritating to me at worst, but possibly they are using the same knives the cut fruit then the brownies without washing the knife? Could be an issue if someone is allergic. Yogurtology staff, if reading this, check into that!