I received a call from my bank today to ask me about some charges on my account. Well guess what someone used my debit card numbers at Target charged $239 to my account. Happy Friday to me!
I want to warn people not to use their debit or credit card at the Starbucks located at 751 N. Rancho Dr. Las Vegas, Nv 89106. You may ask how I know it was this store that caused the issue. Well about a month ago my bank changed from the Visa logo to the MasterCard logo. When I got my card my first purchase with the new card was at this Starbucks location. The next day $100.00 was taken out of my account and can anyone guess where the charges were from? Yep, that's right it was Target!
I had to go to the bank and close out that card and get a new one, and then dispute the charges and wait for the refund. I went back to Starbuck's and asked for the Manager, and they were not there. I told the guy what happened. He said "I am so sorry that happened to you, your coffee is on us today!" I was paying cash by the way.
So since that time if I stopped at Starbuck's on the way to work, I made sure that I had cash. Well stupid me, I went to Starbuck's on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 and I did not have cash so I used my card. And what happens, I get a call from my bank asking me about the Target charges on my account. Really??? This is twice this has happened. I called the store again and the Assistant Manager says "Oh you are going to have to call another number" and proceeds to give me the number. Not once did she say "Oh, I am sorry to hear that" or anything like she gave a crap that one of her co-workers or employee was stealing from customers.
So I called the number that she provided me, when I got the lady on the phone I started the call by apologizing to her if I seem upset. I told her what happened and she said "I am sorry, we will open an investigation. " Now I have to go to the police station file a complaint, and then I need to go to the bank and get a new card (I had them close out my current one! UGH!), and dispute the charges again and wait another seven days to get my refund. All because some stupid idiot feels that it is ok to steal from other people!!!