First sign of trouble: the woman at reception is also the person who takes your blood. She was wearing latex gloves when she took my health card. No idea if she changed them or not before she took my blood.
Second sign: the toilets were absolutely filthy. Wastebasket in the cubicle overflowing with wastepaper. Two signs, one that said "You are being watched! Do not steal the toilet paper! If you see someone steal the toilet paper, report to security!" and another that said--if you can believe this--"Do not stand on the toilet." UUUUHHHHHHHH WHAT?!!? They have had problems with people STANDING ON THE TOILET??
Third: see the picture. This is what my arm looked like an hour after getting blood taken. The receptionist who took my blood clearly has no idea what she is doing.
This place needs to be investigated by health authorities and shut down ASAP.