| - One of those things that happens when you move is that you get all sorts of coupons in the mail. It's kinda like junk mail, but in some cases you might actually use some of it.
In this case, since we had already been stood up by Killo, and we hadn't yet brought in Ivey, we decided to take advantage of Terminix. They aren't someone we would usually call, but since it was a free inspection, we figured what the heck.
The cool thing about Terminix is that they actually offer complete damage coverage for any infestation. That is totally unlike other companies, who pretty much just say that if you get damage from termites, they will retreat your house (or other structure), and you are on your own.
What is the catch? You pay for it. It is completely dependent on the size of your house, but you will probably pay something like twice as much up front for Terminix service, and then you will keep paying on a yearly basis, likely several times more for this "maintenance" than you do for regular companies. It may be worth it if you are concerned about something happening, but it's going to be pricey.
The other thing I noticed is that they are really pushing their bait system. Sentricon was the name, I think. The problem with this is that it is completely dependent on the termites finding the bait. So if they don't, it doesn't work. That is totally weak. While the other form of prevention, which sprays toxic chemicals into the ground, may be more invasive, and probably as un-green as you can get, at least it protects things. I guess they want to get you hooked... something like a pusher on a playground who has to get everyone coming back again and again.